Tuesday, October 27, 2009


IT'S ABOUT FREAKIN TIME CHRIS BROWN CAME FROM UNDER THAT ROCK HE WAS HIDDIN UNDER AND MADE SOME MUSIC!!!!!!! so as everyone knows Chris Brezzys new video "Transform Ya" premiered today and it was BOMB! i think it was just the video he needed to get himself back in the game.. I'm really excited for this new cd seeing that he has a lot to write about and a lot of emotions to go off of. All the people sayin that he need to stop and how can he go on bein a entertainer after what he did and all that other stupid stuff people be sayin.. well they need to quit! YA we all know he made a HUGE mistake that he probably regrets everyday, hes only human and us humans do make mistakes daily.. im not defended what he did or anything cause i get that all the time but i'm just sayin we ALL need to let go and let live... i mean if Jesus could forgive the people for killin him i think we can forgive Chris.

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